“A marriage, no matter how strained, can be put back together again. And a Marriage can exist.”

L. Ron Hubbard


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Creating a Successful Marriage

To begin a voyage as important as marriage, there are things you need to know. Then you can chart your course.

Any successful marriage is built upon basic principles. If you also have the tools for difficulties in a marriage—and know how to use them—you can establish a happy union that lasts a lifetime.

On this course you will learn:

  • The components to build a lasting relationship—and how to use them.

  • The first requisite of a successful marriage and each partner’s role in creating it.

  • Why it is important to share the same goals.

When you use the knowledge and tools you learn on this course, you can positively bring about a happy, fulfilling marriage.


What people are saying

This course was incredibly helpful and eye-opening. The concepts are applicable not only in marriage, but in everyday life as well and all relationships. I feel really excited to move forward and put these things into practice and I feel elated and happy. I think this course is vitally important to anyone who wants to embark upon a lifelong adventure with a partner.”—D.G.

I know how to choose someone for marriage not just because I’m in love. We have to be able to communicate and be on the same page. That bad feeling I used to have is now gone because I now understand why! That made a world of difference and I’m very thankful for this course. I will also make my future husband take this course before I marry him.”—J.T.

Regardless if you are married, divorced or single, take this course. It explains the failure and/or success of all marriage and gives specific things to look for in creating a marriage.”—D.B.

I have a lot more certainty and know-how on being in a marriage and how to have a happy one! I now can have a lifelong relationship with the right person, whereas before I started I did not feel that way.”—J.P.


Maintaining a Happy Marriage

What does a happy relationship depend on? What elements keep it alive and rewarding? And what can you do so your marriage lasts?

Marriages outnumber divorces, but the gap is closing. Indeed, many of the troubles in society stem from broken marriages, but you can prevent yours from ever going downhill.

The basic laws of life apply to marriage. There are ways to strengthen your love and build a relationship that grows stronger with each passing day.

On this course you will learn:

  • The components that form the bedrock of every relationship—the essential elements to a happy marriage.

  • The factors that keep a relationship flourishing.

  • Why a lasting marriage depends on mutual trust, and how to build that trust in your relationship.

When you use the knowledge you learn on this course, you will create a relationship that you can both share with joy for a lifetime.


What people are saying

As I was doing the course my affinity for my husband was increasing, my wanting to create with him was developing even more, bigger, stronger. I realized the beauty of my union and what an amazing future we are building together.”—V.D.

Anyone who has ever planned to get married or was married or is married should do this course. It got me to see how my marriage failed and why, and also how I could have been more responsible and how I can create a better marriage next time!”—D.I.

I really like this course. This gives us the basic tools to keep our marriage thriving. Create-create-create. Good communication and validation will be important, along with keeping our obligations. We will do it!”—D.H.

The tools offered in this course are really amazing and beautiful. I feel great for having done this course and I feel empowered to maintain a happy marriage and I now have certainty that I have the tools to do it.”—C.R.P.


Salvaging a Marriage

When a marriage seems headed for trouble, what is the remedy? If a couple is constantly at odds, what can be done? And if one or both are thinking of separating and the marriage is already on the rocks, how can this be reverted?

L. Ron Hubbard isolated exactly why a marriage breaks up, why communication between two people dwindles and why a marriage partner seeks to leave. Find out how to salvage such an unhappy situation.

On this course you will learn:

  • The three elements common to every relationship that you can use to build a lasting and prosperous union.

  • How to resolve the common source of upsets between husband and wife.

  • The reason marriage partners decide to separate—and the tools to remedy it.

The basic truths in this course govern all relationships. They comprise the only truly workable technology of relationships and have salvaged thousands, old and new.


What people are saying

This course was amazing! I never knew the reasons why divorces happen are so simple. People tend to make things more complicated than they really are. I feel like this course was worth a million dollars. It was so helpful and all my confusions vanished! Now I know what happened in the unsuccessful relationships I have had.”—J.T.

The simplicity of the data is so powerful and amazing! I feel I have so much more understanding of what a marriage is, how to handle problems, the cause of the problems and more. I feel everything is so clear now and that I can handle any problems that come up!”—N.L.

I can now completely handle my marriage. I know how to keep my communication clean with my partner, how to create together, how to overcome any obstacle and make it work.”—V.D.

I had some great insight during this course. So much of life finally fell into place. This is a course for everyone in a relationship. It would help to keep the relationship together or help one make sense of what happened in the past.”—D.I.


Scientology: A New Slant on Life

Learn about the root of marital success, the two rules to happy living and the components to understanding. Don’t let a lack of knowledge dictate the future of your marriage or relationships.

The materials of Scientology comprise the greatest accumulation of knowledge ever assembled on the mind, spirit and life. Through more than a hundred books and publications, thousands more articles and essays, and over 3,000 recorded lectures, the works of L. Ron Hubbard embrace virtually every aspect of living.

Here, then, is Scientology: A New Slant on Life, containing a timeless selection of Mr. Hubbard’s discoveries drawn from the full wealth of his writings and each one presenting a broad, yet comprehensive overview of Scientology applied to a specific aspect of existence—and, in combination, providing the panoramic overview of life itself.


Frequently Asked Questions


How does the Church of Scientology administer it’s courses?

Life Improvement Courses are studied using a Scientology development called a “checksheet.” Every step of the course is listed in sequence and one checks them off as they are completed. This allows each student to study at their own optimum speed.

These Life Improvement Courses are studied in a type of classroom called a “course room”. Every person there is on a different course looking to learn or handle a specific issue in their life. In Scientology it is believed that the best outcome of studying is doing it at your own pace and coming to your own conclusions based on the information that you are reading.

Why do Scientologists want to help people?

It is a maxim of Scientology that a being is as valuable as one is able to help others. Scientologists understand that life is not lived alone. Rather, life is comprised of eight parts—the Eight Dynamics. Therefore, Scientologists know that true survival also requires the survival of one's family, one's groups, Mankind itself and all living things.

What does the word Scientology mean?

The word Scientology, conceived by L. Ron Hubbard, comes from the Latin scio which means “knowing, in the fullest meaning of the word” and the Greek word logos which means “study of.” It means knowing how to know. Scientology is further defined as “the study and handling of the spirit in relationship to itself, universes and other life.”


How does Scientology work?

The Scientology religion provides answers to many questions about life and death. It encompasses an exact, precisely mapped-out path. In developing Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard discovered a technology to free the human spirit and thereby allow Man to really know himself. He thoroughly tested all procedures and recorded those that proved most workable in bringing about uniformly predictable results. These comprise standard Scientology technology. 

Through application of Scientology principles and technology in an auditing session, a person is able to remove barriers and unwanted conditions and so become more himself. As a person progresses, he reaches out to help others in the ways he has been helped. 

That which is real to the person is all one is asked to accept of Scientology. No beliefs are forced upon him. By training and processing, he finds out for himself the answers he is searching for in life.

Is Scientology open to anyone?

Scientology is open to anyone who seeks spiritual betterment.

The materials that comprise the Scientology religion are readily available at Churches of Scientology and public libraries throughout the world. Churches and missions are always open to the public and anyone can come in for a tour and personally see what the Church is all about.

Scientologists come from all walks of life, and include almost every imaginable profession: teachers, businesspersons, physicians, homemakers, attorneys, engineers, nurses, construction workers, marketing and administrative professionals, secretaries, athletes, civil servants and artists of every description.

Is Scientology a cult?

No. It is a religion in the fullest sense of the word.

“Cult” is usually meant in a disparaging sense to imply a secret or closed group with limited membership and mysterious beliefs. Religious scholars point out that the term has become almost meaningless, since its modern use reflects a growing prejudice against all religions. For example, a government report in Belgium labeled Hasidic Jews and even the YWCA as “cults.” The French Parliament included Baptists on their list.

Religions that grow and endure do so to the degree they assist people in their spiritual lives. To fulfill this role, the scripture of Scientology is fully codified, broadly published and available to anyone. Furthermore, its Churches and missions are always open to the public.

Scientology is unique in that it does not force anyone to “believe” anything. Rather, Scientology maintains every individual should think for themselves. In Scientology, what is true for the individual is only what they have observed personally and know is true for them. Scientology is not authoritarian, but instead offers a technology one can use and then decide whether it works for them. 


Creating a Successful Marriage
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Maintaining a Happy Marriage
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Salvaging a Marriage
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